How do you manage a multi-brand role in franchising? Top 30 Franchise Executive Manuel Spiteri reveals his tips and tricks…
What are your responsibilities?
I head up franchise recruitment for Hire A Hubby in Australia and UK. My team and I are responsible for the sales and on-boarding of around 50 new franchise sales in Australia and around 25 new franchise sales in the UK each year.
In the second half of 2018 I accepted the role of recruitment director for our sister company Franchise Cloud Solutions (FCS). We provide consultancy services to other franchisors who are keen to improve franchise sales by leveraging from our sales experience and successes.
How do you manage your day?
Over the years at Hire A Hubby we have developed tried and tested process and structures for everything we do. I have an excellent team of support staff that are well schooled on all our processes and structures. I rely on my team to keep the day to day basics on track and to escalate any road block or anomalies to me as needed.
I prioritise my daily tasks on the basis of urgent or must do tasks first up every day. I then focus on nurturing opportunities that will bring in revenue and allocate a portion of my day to provide assistance and mentoring to help our franchisor clients.
I dedicate time each day for strategic planning for both our Australian and UK businesses.
What makes you good at your job?
I think a bunch of bad character traits that when mixed together seems to work for me.
I am very detail focused. (It drives my wife crazy)
I like to be in control of what’s going on around me. (Some would say I’m controlling)
I love negotiating (my wife will walk away when were in a retail store and I start talking price)
I am 100 per cent committed to whatever I do.
I very much enjoy what I do.
Share with us some recent franchisee-focused initiatives you have implemented
My team and I are currently focused on developing robust structures and guidelines that we believe will result in stronger financial returns for our franchisees at resale. We recently introduced a number of new initiatives that has greatly strengthened the level of credible financial information available to buyers when considering the purchase of an active going concern franchise.
What recent achievement are you most proud of?
During recent months my team and I have provided extensive consultancy support to an 11 year old established franchise business needing to improve its franchise recruitment results.
We embarked on a total review of recruitment processes and strategies and provided a comprehensive report with detailed recommendations. The franchisor was so pleased with our structure and practical guidance we have been commissioned to implement all our recommendations. Our involvement has already resulted in five new franchise sales and a very happy franchisor.
How do you stay motivated in your role?
I like to set milestones and goals and celebrate the wins when they come.
We (Hire A Hubby) are extremely fortunate to have be awarded FCA Australian Established Franchisor of The Year, late last year.
At the same time two of our franchisees took out the awards for National Multi-Unit Franchisee of The Year, and the award for National Single-Unit Franchisee of The Year, two or more staff.
The above certainly helps me stay motivated.
How does the franchisor make it easy for you to do your job?
I have been with Hire A Hubby for 16 years and my CEO has always allowed me the flexibility and autonomy I require to carry out my responsibilities, my way. At the same time he is always there to provide guidance and support whenever needed.
Can you share with us your next goal and a long term goal?
I’m excited to continue to be involved in the development of our Hire A Hubby Franchise both in Australia and the UK.
One of my current goals is to continue to develop the new structure and support processes to assist our franchisees when selling an active going concern business.
Consultancy work for our FCS clientele is in high demand and our united team focus is to continue to grow this opportunity over the longer term. I am also working to achieve my CFE accreditation.