Franchisors will be affected by proposed legislation introduced on March 3, 2017 by the Australian Government but there’s an opportunity to contribute if you act now.
The Fair Work Amendment (Protecting Vulnerable Workers) Bill 2017 aims to make parent companies and franchisors liable for the workplace relations breaches of subsidiaries and franchisees in certain circumstances.
"The Bill will introduce new provisions to hold franchisors and holding companies responsible for contraventions of the Fair Work Act, if they knew or could reasonably have been expected to have known the contraventions would occur in their business networks and failed to take reasonable steps to manage the risk". (Explanatory Memorandum p3).
It has now been referred to the Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee with the closing date for submissions on 6 April 2017.
The Franchise Council of Australia has commissioned FRANdata to conduct a survey to gauge the impact of the Fair Work Amendment, to provide further key metrics data to support their intended submissions and related representative work.
The FCA is calling on members and non-member franchisors to complete a Reactions and Impacts Survey immediately to support the advocacy work that is being done to ensure that franchising continues to be a viable and successful model.
All collected information will only be reported in an aggregated format and will be maintained confidentially and securely by FRANdata.
Contact FRANdata for more information.