Recruiting franchisees has never been harder – or easier [survey]

Every franchise brand has a story, and telling that story in a fresh and engaging way is the key to getting cut through in today’s noisy and competitive franchise recruitment landscape. 

Franchise recruitment is becoming more complex and franchise brands need to engage with potential buyers in ways that add value at each stage of discovery along the purchase journey. But for many businesses, acting like a publisher is time consuming, costly, and requires expertise.

At Cirrus Media franchise division we understand the prospective franchisee buying cycle.

Potential franchisees who start as passive buyers want to understand the benefits of the franchise model, and whether or not franchising is the right fit. Once they move into the consideration stage they are questioning what type of franchise best suits their needs.

The information demands of these buyers changes when they become active, and start shortlisting brands and highlighting investment levels and locations.

Although we know where, why and how prospective franchisees consume information and consequently how to market your brand to drive maximum engagement and advertising ROI at each stage of the buyer journey, we are always looking for your feedback on how we can best bring potential franchisee and franchisor together.

How we can help with franchisee recruitment

As Australia’s leading franchise recruitment and marketing company we can draw on our more than 32 years of experience educating, informing and recruiting franchise buyers through and Franchising magazine.

Our network power is second to none: we generate more than 33,800 franchise enquiries a year so we are uniquely placed to talk to the engaged, active potential franchise buyer through highly informative and valid editorial and advertorial articles.

Our content marketing, media and franchise industry specialists can work with you to understand your business objectives and build a personalised strategy to help you realise them.

And the really good news is that our audience is actively looking to buy – in fact 55 percent are wanting to purchase a franchise business in the next three to six months.