Asia Pacific

Asia Pacific Archives

The Source Bulk Foods has opened in Singapore

The Source Bulk Foods hits Singapore

The Source Bulk Foods. Australia’s largest bulk foods and zero waste retailer, has unveiled its first outlet in Singapor...
Choice Hotels is targeting South East Asia

Choice Hotels signs deal for South East Asia

Choice Hotels is boosting its South East Asia presence, appointing a hotel management firm to expand the property portfo...
Godiva sells Asia-Pacific rights to MBK Partners

Godiva sells Asia Pacific rights

Belgian manufacturer of gourmet chocolates, Godiva Chocolatier, has completed the sale of selected assets of its Asia Pa...
Inside Franchise Business: Marcel Lal takes on CEO role for InXpress Asia Pacific

New InXpress chiefs to deliver on growth

InXpress chiefs take on new roles to help boost growth in the Asia Pacific region. Lindsay Birley, CEO Asia Pacific, bec...