Sustaining awesome teams beyond Lockdown

Sustaining teams beyond lockdown
Sustaining teams beyond lockdown

We’re all in it together. In less than two months, the coronavirus has introduced us to the concept of remote work, and the need to adapt fast is unavoidable. Business leaders are now frantically working through an array of complex tasks to transition each staff members’ home into a fully functioning remote office.

But there is some good news! Once conquered, there are significant gains around productivity that will be on offer to leaders. There is also an opportunity amidst all the change to redefine how teams work cohesively.

Let us take the typical example of how we did things the old way, remember February 2020? Kylie leads a team of 40 people. She writes emails to her team each day across a variety of topics.

Statistically, about 60 per cent of her staff will read these emails, 25 per cent will skim it, and the others will assume “someone else” will read it and if important, they will find out later. Kylie will also attend several meetings each day, subsequently updating key people as to the outcomes and actions. Sound familiar so far?

Where this method falls short is the sub discussions, ideas and collaboration are never captured, or recognised. The individual questions raised by people in meetings or recipients of emails responding directly to the author remain ineffective. Very quickly, the information and overall team knowledge is fragmented, therefore control is now lost.

Little wonder the statistics around leadership communications is so poor.

Back to the opportunity…

Leaders regularly receive criticism for communications. We have relied on email for more than 25 years now, and this has remained the go-to method of business communications. Incredibly, 74 per cent of all business communications is still achieved by email, texting and phone calls.

As the workplace evolves, we now see over 30 per cent of workplaces adopting non tradition socially based communications methods. Further, 37 per cent of workers surveyed admitted to using Facebook and other social platforms whilst at work.

The desire to be socially connected is far beyond the capability of the poor old email. You already know who the winner is! It is a selfie with five words versus an essay worth of typing.

Collaborate whilst we hibernate:

Leading your team by “remote control” needs some planning. Most importantly, you will need a virtual venue to create content, share ideas, keep the team engaged and support optimum mental health. That is a lot of team upside!

Combining the proven attraction of social, whilst deploying into your team or business, the development team at have built a social style platform that requires no integration, no training and can be running in under 15 minutes.

The Enterprise-Edition leverages the skills and common functions already learned through social media (Facebook, LinkedIn) and provides teams, businesses, franchises, and work-from-home users a similar experience – but securely within their remote workspace.

Complete with document sharing, gamification, and leaderboards, our Enterprise-Edition is the ideal place to share ideas, insights, and information.

Want to know more?  Visit: today.