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Australian small businesses losing economic share, warns Ombudsman
Payroll jobs in small businesses declined by 8.1 per cent in FY2023-24.

FCA backs ASBFEO’s 14 step-plan to boost small business
A series of 14 steps to boost small business has the backing of the Franchise Council of Australia (FCA), which has comm...

ASBFEO welcomes small business Budget measures
The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Bruce Billson has welcomed the “targeted support” he says ...

Small businesses to get a fairer go in ATO disputes
Small businesses in dispute with the ATO will get a fairer go under new rules proposed by the Australian Government. Tha...

Small business ombudsman welcomes franchise reforms for auto sector
Bruce Billson, the newly-minted Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, has in his first week in offi...

Bruce Billson appointed Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman
Former Franchise Council of Australia chair, the Hon. Bruce Billson, has been appointed Australian Small Business and Fa...

Help for struggling SMES: Financial Assistance Hub unveiled
The Australian Banking Association (ABA) has unveiled the new Financial Assistance Hub which will provide financial assi...

JobKeeper rules are a staffing nightmare for small business
The present JobKeeper rules are causing causing staffing issues for small businesses, according to the Australian Small ...

Deregulation agenda to cut small business obstacles
A renewed government focus on small business growth is set to see more Australians employed and more businesses expand. ...

SMEs to cash in on $520m business growth fund boost
Small and medium sized businesses (SME) are set to get the boost they need, with the banking industry backing a new init...