Followfranchisors Archives

Top e-commerce trends that will drive 2021
2020 has transformed the world, and businesses have been forced to move and evolve with countless new e-commerce procedu...

Are your ready for a risk-free Christmas office party?
Staff are working from home, and Covid-rules remain in place, so what will this year’s office Christmas party look like?...

5 tips to using PR to come out of Covid stronger than ever before
Although Covid-19 has tested our resilience, it has also forced us to innovate and adapt in ways we never thought possib...

4 crucial compliance rules franchisors need to consider now
We’re still knee-deep in Covid-19 so what do franchisors need to consider for 2020 and beyond? Check these legal ...

Op Central waives fees with $300,000 fund
Software supplier Op Central has committed to waiving $300,000 on fees for new clients as part of its overall $500,000 f...

Easier access to JobKeeper funding announced
Coronavirus-hit businesses will get easier access to wage subsidies with the federal government injecting a further $15 ...

National minimum wage increase starts today
The national minimum wage rises today to $19.84 per hour (up from $19.49), or $753.80 per week (up from $740.80) with im...

Franchisors step up as pandemic hits hard: survey
Franchises are being hit hard by the coronavirus crisis with more than half wearing revenue falls in March. The good new...

Coronavirus crisis: what franchisors are doing
What franchisor actions are helping to fight impact of the COVID-19 pandemic? The coronavirus crisis has hit every secto...

7 must-watch trends in last-mile deliveries
The eCommerce market is fast changing Australia’s traditional retail landscape. Over the past three years online retail ...