
inquiry Archives

Wage theft inquiry to probe underpayment

Wage theft inquiry to probe systematic underpayment

Employers who underpay workers are set to face close scrutiny, with the Federal government launching an official wage th...

Former RFG executive challenges “unconstitutional” forced inquiry appearance

Legal representatives for former Retail Food Group (RFG) chief executive Tony Alford have argued that his forced appeara...

ACCC advocates education and transparency at inquiry hearing

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has called for greater transparency and education in franchisi...

Foodco bosses under fire at inquiry

Australian franchisor Foodco has been questioned over allegations of misleading franchisees at the latest hearing of the...
Compliance and governance are key for franchisors

Are you ready for the inquiry? What you need to do to tighten up your business

Franchising is the subject of yet another inquiry called by the Federal Parliament. This inquiry is the latest in a seri...