Followbusiness Archives
Are you insured against natural disasters?
Natural disasters such as bushfires, droughts, and floods have hit Australian small businesses in recent years. So small...
The five habits of successful people post Covid
Can dreamers be successful? Discover the personality traits required for success.
4 ways to create business certainty
The pandemic has created immeasurable stress and uncertainty for businesses and unfortunately, there is no road map or ‘...
5 franchisor challenges and how to fix them
Business is challenging at the best of times, and we have been through the worst the last few years with the lockdowns, ...
Aussies are ready to quit their jobs, start a business
New research reveals that only half of us are happy with our current job, and that 45 per cent of us would consider quit...
How to boost online profit margins through cost management
Online sales have been boosted for many companies as a result of Covid-19, which had a significant impact on business in...
Which stories grabbed the headlines in 2020?
Covid-19 has dominated so much of our lives in 2020. But there has been plenty going on besides the pandemic. Take a loo...
What to read, listen to and watch over Christmas
What are you going to read, listen to or watch through the festive season? Check out these recommendations from fellow f...
Why you need a business continuity plan right now
There has not been a single industry that has escaped the human and financial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. In Austra...