
CouriersPlease Archives

CouriersPlease goes on-demand for Christmas

Heading into the busiest retail period of the year, Australian delivery facilitators are teaming up to ensure Christmas ...

CouriersPlease recruits specialist to lift operations procedures

CouriersPlease (CP) has appointed its first-ever process improvement specialist in a move to boost customer experience a...

CouriersPlease to help boost franchisee revenue

Parcel delivery service CouriersPlease (CP) aims to improve franchisee revenues as well as CP Queensland’s operations ov...

CouriersPlease warns same-day deliveries will cost customers

Three-hour and same-day delivery services are becoming more popular in Australia, but an e-commerce and delivery expert ...

CouriersPlease reveals trends in online shopping

Franchise business CouriersPlease has revealed the future of online shopping may lie in flexible delivery times rather t...

CouriersPlease puts ecommerce front and centre with latest appointment

CouriersPlease has appointed a new national ecommerce manager to position the business at the forefront of online retail...

CouriersPlease to deliver for ecommerce customers

CouriersPlease has announced a strategic partnership with one of its top customers, eCorner, an Australian eCommerce pla...