How Get Going PT went from failed business plan to franchise success

Failed business plan to franchisor; Get Going PT founder and CEO Ethan Fleming
Failed business plan to franchisor; Get Going PT founder and CEO Ethan Fleming

Overcoming failure is one of life’s great lessons, and for Get Going PT founder and CEO Ethan Fleming, it’s been the driving force behind a booming business.

While studying for his Cert III & IV Personal Training qualification, Fleming was set an assignment that tasked him to develop a business plan for a mobile personal training business. When his plan was shot down in flames, labelled “impossible” by his lecturer, the aspiring entrepreneur held strong.

Three years on, and Fleming has taken his “impossible” business plan and turned it into one of the nation’s fastest scaling operations.

Get Going PT

Within that time, the Melbourne-based Get Going PT concept has gained a cult-like following, attracting a diverse clientele that ranges from reality stars and Young Rich Listers to stay at home mums.

The whirlwind journey has so far been on an upward trajectory that has surpassed even the founder’s greatest expectations.

“It’s important to me that I own where I’ve come from. When I started Get Going PT, I didn’t come from much and I didn’t have much except for an idea that I’d only been told would never work,” Fleming said.

“I’m up every day at 4:30am and have not stopped putting in the hours to prove that wrong. I love what I do and I am completely focused on growing my business and growing myself as a person.”

It’s a goal that is looking increasing likely. After a lengthy research process, Fleming recently made the decision to steer away from equity raising path and enter the world of franchising.

Franchise growth

The founder and CEO announced the new Get Going PT franchise concept in late 2019, and has already signed one franchise in 2020.

“After months of deliberation and research I decided that franchising the business would not only allow us to expand quickly, but also allow a number of our existing team to explore their passion for owning their own business within a proven and supportive model,” he said.

Franchises purchase the rights to a specific territory in which they can own and operate under the Get Going PT brand.

“They will also get all the systems and equipment that we believe is best required to run a personal training business for themselves, along with a few staff members,” Fleming said.

“In addition, they also get what we consider is the most supportive team backing them – we have monthly one-on-ones with our franchise partners to help grow their business, as well as quarterly day training sessions.”

With annual revenue on track to surpass $2m this year, it’s a good time to get in on the action. Fleming revealed he plans to significantly swell the network over the next 12 months, outlining an ambitious nationwide growth target.

“Nowhere is off the cards at this stage,” he said. “We would like to have 30 to 50 partners by the end of 2020, whilst further building our brand to the rest of Australia.”

Get Going PT is a mobile fitness concept based in Melbourne, with a dedicated team of district leaders, trainers and instructors.