Price Attack targets retirees and single mums in new recruitment drive for hairdressers

Price Attack targets retirees and single mums
Price Attack targets retirees and single mums

National retail chain Price Attack is targeting a whole new sector of Australian community as the business attempts to tackle the significant skills shortage in the sector.

Its latest recruitment drive focuses on flexibility, which it hopes will appeal to many people, including retirees and single mums and dads.

Price Attack chief executive officer John Pascoe said the company aimed to meet the market by offering flexible work hours and shifts, upskilling, and simple onboarding and training experiences.  

“There is a wealth of underutilised talent out there, hairdressers who have stopped working for various reasons from single mums struggling to find work around school hours to baby boomers who no longer want to work fulltime,” Pascoe said.

“Those are just two examples of lifestyles that would be a great fit for our business.”

Pascoe said “The casual workforce is critical to the economic success of almost every service industry in the country, but never more so to hairdressing: embattled by a skills shortage for nearly a decade now.”

As well as reaching out to a broader mix of prospects to take up a hairdressing career, Price Attack is also turning to international casuals who are expected to arrive in Australia as borders reopen

“Like many companies, open hiring is attractive to us and while we can utilise this for our retail arm, we also need skilled hairdressers so the talent pool we can hire from is significantly lower. Some salons have had to take hairdressers off the floor to manage the retail operation, so if we can get more retail staff then they can go back to what they are trained for.

“Adding to that there may be retired hairdressers who do not want to cut or style hair anymore – who have great knowledge that can be put to good use in our retail operations:  their understanding of products would be second to none.

“Casual staff anxious about returning to the workforce can take advantage of our innovative education platform, the PA Academy (our investment in employee growth), with education modules covering off on everything from the latest in colour and styling to stock take and point of sales tips.”