Fully Promoted has recently awarded 10 businesses and community groups with uniforms and promotional products worth a total of $10,000.
The brand’s recent Dress for Success competition offered $1000 awards to refresh staff uniforms or create branded merchandise.
Entries came from new and established businesses, sporting clubs, charities and community groups.
Rosie Canty, Fully Promoted brand leader, said “It’s an incredible privilege to be able to spread some good news amongst the community through Fully Promoted. Our 50+ stores couldn’t wait to run the competition knowing how tough it has been for some people out there.
“Our franchisees receive incredible support from each of their respective communities throughout the year, trusting us with all their uniform and promotional product needs. Fully Promoted owners are all locals themselves so giving a little back brings it all full circle!”
Fully Promoted is part of the United Franchise Group affiliated family.