Mobil fuels 7-Eleven deal through 2033

Mobil fuels 7-Eleven deal
An exclusive supply partnership secures fuel for 7-Eleven for 11 years. Image supplied.

7-Eleven has signed an 11 year agreement with Mobil Oil Australia, a subsidiary of ExxonMobil.

The deal extends the sale of Mobil fuels at 7-Eleven Australia’s convenience stores and means Mobil will remain the exclusive fuel supplier to 7-Eleven in Australia.

7-Eleven Australia’s CEO and manager director, Angus McKay said, “This agreement will allow us to deliver on our strategy to leverage fuel to drive greater growth across our business. We look forward to our market share in both convenience and fuel continuing to grow by partnering with a strong quality brand such as Mobil.

“The agreement with Mobil quality fuels puts 7-Eleven in a strong commercial position to
drive our ambition to reach a billion customer moments a year by 2030.”

Read more about 7-Eleven here.